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Monday, January 28, 2013

3rd Grade Parts of a Newspaper Article

Unit 3 is about the News.  So, the kids worked on the Parts of a Newspaper Article.  Here they had to label each part of an article they chose from the newspaper.

5th and 6th Grade Text Features/Parts of a Book

Students worked on an assignment where they had to create a chart.  Using the Parts of a Book/ Text Features, they used a story from their textbook to answer questions.  5th grade used the story "Find the Titianic"; 6th grade used "El NiƱo".  They did a superb job!!

5th Grade

6th Grade

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy 2013! Welcome Back!!

Happy New Year, 2013!  Welcome back to the second semester!  Here are a few updates...

2nd Grade - Unit 2.3 Taino Myths and Creations
3rd Grade Unit 3.4 The News...Parts of a Newspaper and Article
4th Grade Unit 4.3 Making Inferences, Predictions, and Connections...Story "Dogzilla"
5th Grade Unit 5.3 Discovering Our Neighborhood - Text Features/Parts of a Book
6th Grade Unit 5.3 NonFiction Studies - Text Features/Parts of a Book

This activity was made by students from various grade levels (2nd- 6th),,,

New Year's Resolution: In 2013 I will...

Activities from and
Please keep visiting for new updates.  Hope this new year brings lots of health, love, and blessings!  :)